









来源:http://www.jnjgcg.com/ 日期:2020-08-20 发布人:
岩棉复合板的密度与岩棉板复合板的保温质量有关。由于防火等级不同,不同类型墙体运用的岩棉复合板密度也不同,调整后的岩棉复合板密度也会对降噪作用产生必定影响。复合板是一种新式的建筑资料。 它是现在船只内部的首要资料,采用硅酸钙板和超细玻璃纤维等资料。岩棉复合板的结构分为四层,分别为粘接层。绝缘层,表面层,饰面层和配件。
The density of rock wool composite board is related to its insulation quality. Due to the different fire rating, the density of rock wool composite board used in different types of walls is also different, and the adjusted density of rock wool composite board will have a certain impact on noise reduction. Composite board is a new type of building materials. It is now the primary data of the ship interior, using calcium silicate board and ultra-fine glass fiber and other information. The structure of rock wool composite board is divided into four layers, which are bonding layer. Insulation, surface, finish and accessories.
粘合层归因于建筑物。 它位于底层和表面层之间。 上层和基层经过水泥资料牢固地粘合在一起。 填料的首要来历是无机物质。 跟着建筑技能的发展,岩棉复合板的应用越来越广泛。 岩棉复合板产品的质量和运用也完成了质的腾跃。 采用技能,防火技能和保温技能的新式复合岩棉。

The adhesive layer is attributed to the building. It lies between the bottom layer and the surface layer. The upper layer and base course are firmly bonded together by cement data. The primary source of filler is inorganic material. With the development of construction skills, the application of rock wool composite board is more and more extensive. The quality and application of rock wool composite board products have also completed a qualitative leap. New composite rock wool with environmental protection skills, fire prevention skills and thermal insulation skills.
该过程中空气的活动阻力也会对空气压力或气流速度起到必定的作用。 它也是影响岩棉复合板根本吸收性能的关键因素。 复合岩棉板中的气流。 在此过程中,吸声作用更好,岩棉复合板能够逐步到达更好的降噪作用,这种作用也广泛应用于建筑保温。
In this process, the air resistance will also play a certain role in the air pressure or air velocity. It is also a key factor affecting the fundamental absorption performance of rock wool composite board. Air flow in composite rock wool board. In this process, the sound absorption effect is better, and the rock wool composite board can gradually achieve better noise reduction effect, which is also widely used in building insulation.
从大的视点来看,岩棉复合板首要用于墙体保温,屋面保温,门保温文地板保温,但首要应用于墙体保温。 墙体保温有两种方式的现场复合墙体和工厂预制复合墙体。 前者采用岩棉复合板和空气作为夹层,后者是直接附着在建筑物上的岩棉复合板。 岩棉复合板的层和表面能够用一层装修。
From a large point of view, rock wool composite board is mainly used for wall insulation, roof insulation, door insulation, floor insulation, but it is mainly used for wall insulation. There are two ways of wall insulation: field composite wall and factory prefabricated composite wall. The former uses rock wool composite board and air as interlayer, while the latter is rock wool composite board directly attached to buildings. The layer and surface of rock wool composite board can be decorated with one layer.
此文关键词: 济南岩棉复合板  

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