









来源:http://www.jnjgcg.com/ 日期:2020-09-10 发布人:
 无论是建造简单的房屋还是使用可移动的板房,在房屋的屋顶上使用彩色瓷砖都是很普遍的,不仅便宜,方便,而且易于制造。 长期风吹日晒,彩钢板很容易腐蚀,如果不及时处理,腐蚀只会越来越严重,从而影响彩钢板的使用。 然后,对单面彩钢板进行腐蚀处理的具体操作步骤,与小编一起了解。
  Whether it is to build simple houses or to use movable panels, it is common to use color tiles on the roof of houses. It is not only cheap, convenient, but also easy to manufacture. Long-term wind and sun, color steel plate is easy to corrode, if not treated in time, corrosion will only become more and more serious, thus affecting the use of color steel plate. Then, the specific operation steps of corrosion treatment of single-sided color steel plate are understood with knitting.
  Firstly, based on single-sided color ceramic tile laying matrix undercoat and four kinds of organosilicon coatings:
If there are damaged holes, after grinding and before spreading, the rusty holes are first laid out with suitable size non-woven fabric for reinforcement treatment, and then the matrix bottom cloth is laid.
  2.如果彩钢板表面有锈斑,应使用砂光机或砂纸打磨表面锈蚀; 然后涂一层油漆以隔离空气,以减少腐蚀的风险。 使用此方案后,彩色瓷砖的使用寿命可以延长数年。 因此,平时应定期对彩钢板进行维护保养,有助于延长其使用寿命。

  2. If there are rust spots on the surface of color steel plate, sander or sandpaper should be used to polish the surface rust; then a layer of paint should be applied to isolate the air to reduce the risk of corrosion. With this scheme, the service life of color tile can be prolonged for several years. Therefore, color steel plate should be maintained regularly in peacetime, which is helpful to prolong its service life.
  通过以上描述,我相信彩钢板的腐蚀处理的具体操作已经被理解,只有经过合理的处理,彩钢板才能得到保护,从而延长了其使用寿命。 常州C型钢的使用也是如此。 欢迎您与我们联系或关注我们的网站以获取更多信息。
  Through the above description, I believe that the concrete operation of the corrosion treatment of the color steel plate has been understood. Only after reasonable treatment can the color steel plate be protected, thus prolonging its service life. The same is true for Changzhou C-section steel. Welcome to contact us or pay attention to our official website for more information.
  Our Jinan color steel plate factory is of high quality, reasonable price, professional and thoughtful service, and sells well all over the country. It has won unanimous praise and praise from friends from all walks of life. If you also have this demand, you can click on the consultation: http://www.jnjgcg.com
此文关键词: 济南彩钢板  

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