The installation method of color steel rock wool composite board is as follows:
1、 基层处理
1. Grassroots treatment
Confirm that the installation site is free of dust, grease, rust, looseness, etc., and the surface is dry. If there is a need for moisture and corrosion prevention, appropriate coating treatment can be taken, and the leveling layer meets the requirements. The base acceptance is qualified.
2、 弹线控制和悬挂基准线
2. Bounce line control and suspension reference line
According to the actual facade design and external wall technical requirements of the building, pop out horizontal lines, vertical control lines, and decorative stitching lines for doors and windows. Hang vertical reference lines and horizontal lines at the external corners and other appropriate locations of the building to ensure that the installation flatness and verticality meet the construction requirements.
3. Laying construction
Select suitable color steel rock wool composite panels, with specifications and appearance size deviations within the specified range. After cutting and cutting, choose whether to arrange the composite panels horizontally or vertically according to the design requirements (note that each panel has two clamps when arranged horizontally, and one clamp on each side when arranged vertically), and fix them with expansion bolts and anchor clamps. The joint size should meet the construction requirements, and the joint between the panel and the felt must be very tight. In multi-layer insulation, the cross joints should be staggered and separated to avoid the formation of hot and cold bridges.
4、 涂抹胶粘剂
4. Apply adhesive
Prepare a special adhesive for color steel rock wool composite board according to the proportion requirements. After thorough mixing, the adhesive should have a uniform color, fresh and good consistency, and the viscosity should be sufficient to prevent the newly pasted rock wool board from sagging. Apply the prepared adhesive evenly to the rock wool board according to the specified thickness, and use a strip point bonding method to ensure firmness and reliability.
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