









来源:http://www.jnjgcg.com/ 日期:2024-04-11 发布人:


Although color steel plates have dual protection of galvanized layer and organic coating on their surface, if they are kept in a humid state for a long time, the accumulated water on the surface will gradually penetrate through the organic coating, causing corrosion of the zinc layer under the organic coating film. Therefore, attention must be paid when storing:


(1) Not soaked in water, store indoors and avoid outdoor stacking.



(2) Indoor areas should be dry, ventilated, and free of corrosive gases. They must be avoided from being placed in areas prone to condensation and large temperature differences between cold and warm temperatures. When it is necessary to temporarily store outdoors, there must be square sleepers as padding underneath, and good ventilation should be ensured. A flat ground should be selected, and the top of the padding should also be horizontal to ensure that the steel plates are stacked at the same height to prevent warping. The product should be covered with rainproof cloth to protect it from direct sunlight and rain.


(3) If the color steel plate is exposed to rain or condensation, it should be unpacked and quickly dried to remove moisture, and used as soon as possible.


(4) Steel coils should be stored in their original factory condition as much as possible and should not be stacked to avoid damaging the coating.


(5) Color coated steel plates should not be placed in sandy or dusty areas. If sand and dust accumulate on the steel plate, it may damage the coating film of the coated steel plate. Moreover, the accumulation of sand and dust can make it difficult for the coating surface to remain dry, becoming the root cause of corrosion.


(6) Long term storage should be avoided, and the principle of first in, first in use should be followed when using to avoid pollution, scratches caused by long-term retention and use, as well as slight color differences when mixing new and old products. Especially in coastal and industrial environments, the storage period should be shortened.


(7) In order to eliminate the water retention on the surface of the steel plate inside the plate package for some reason, the steel plate can be tilted in the warehouse at an appropriate angle of 3.5 degrees.

此文关键词: 济南彩钢板  

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